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Why Is Safety Important to Me?

The B.U.I.L.D Team

Updated: Apr 30, 2023

Our S.E.R.V.I.C.E. Principles begin with “S = We are Committed to Safety,” but why is safety so important? That was the question posed to a group of employees from across the Reed Family companies in April. While concern for one’s own health and well-being is fundamental, the group emphasized their desire to “go home to my family in the same shape in which I left for work” and that they did not want anyone in their “work family” injured.

Left to Right: Jennifer Beall-Torre, Chloe Beall-Vieyra and Santiago Torres --- just one of many families that work at the Reed Family Companies.

Every night, this family goes home happy and healthy.

The discussions evoked a powerful sense of pride in our strong “caring safety culture.” It was especially heart-warming to hear genuine care expressed for teammates as that they often spent more time with their “work family” than anyone else during the week. Caring for their own safety and total well-being meant that they came home to their families both “happy and healthy.”

Check out the pictures from the Go ORANGE Contest for Safety (National Work Zone Awareness Week) from April 2023.


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