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VSSE Molly Gibney - Lead Laboratory Technician

The B.U.I.L.D Team

Molly started working for VSS Emultech in May of 2019 as a laboratory technician. Since that time, Molly has proven to be a great asset not only for the lab, but also for VSSE. Molly has overcome many changes over the past 4 years, with all new lab personnel, she helped keep

us on track. She has trained all our new people and has been actively involved in developing the new products for VSS Emultech.

Last year Molly was promoted to Lead Laboratory Technician. It is through Molly’s hard work and dedication that the products we manufacture in our 3 emulsion plants go out in good shape and within specification. Molly is instrumental with producing mix designs for both our Asphalt Rubber and our Slurry Seal operations.

Thank you, Molly, for all you do and for being a member of our VSS Emultech lab team.



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