On Friday April 21, 2023, we held our 2nd Annual volunteer opportunity partnering with the California Waterfowl Association to assemble Wood Duck boxes. The employee interest in this event speaks volumes for its continued success, with 25 employees asking to attend this year. Although production efforts at our companies meant that a few of those interested were not able to make it out, those that did rallied to accomplish all the goals for the day.
72 Wood Duck boxes were completed for distribution, this group also cut and stacked all the wooden pieces for an additional 85 more pre-made boxes for assembly at the CWS's next volunteer event! Thank you to everyone for coming out, volunteering your time, and putting in the work to make a difference!
Our day was filled with smiles and team work. What a great opportunity it was to get to know employees in the other companies as well. Thank you to all participates for making difference!
Volunteers pictured above: Daniel V., Trevor C., Sharla P., Brandon L., Josh Z., Laura W., Scott W., Jess B., Adam L., Kassie B., Robert G., Chase W., Shawn M, and Judy K.
Also in attendance and pictured below: Margaret Reed, Jennifer B., and Santiago T.