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Unsung Heroes of Reliability

The B.U.I.L.D Team

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

Imagine turning the tap with dirty hands……and no water comes out.

You pick up the phone for an urgent call……and there is no signal.

The room is pitch black, so you flip the switch….and the lights don’t come on.

We don’t really appreciate the excellent reliability of America’s infrastructure, until the extremely rare moment that it’s not working. In the same way, we go to our jobs each day and take for granted everything functions as it should. This July, in addition to appreciating our country and its freedoms, let’s take the time to appreciate those who work tirelessly to keep our plants and equipment working reliably. The next time you are at a construction site or materials plant, take a moment to think about all the equipment that is functioning properly. What if it didn’t?

Every role in our company is vital to serve our construction and materials customers with the excellence they have come to expect from us. It takes a lot of work to make things run smoothly. The routine maintenance and consistent upkeep of plants and equipment may be taken for granted by those same customers, but we know the importance of the “behind the scenes” maintenance work that makes the product available and gets the job built for them.

Thank you to everyone who makes our operations reliable through stewardship of our equipment and by monitoring performance, making timely adjustments, and continuously improving the processes. We appreciate all the mechanics, operators, and drivers who do routine equipment inspections before and after shift, perform regular preventative maintenance, make needed repairs, and generally keep our operations going!

You are the unsung heroes of reliability – the “R” in our S.E.R.V.I.C.E. principles.



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