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New Year Resolutions

The B.U.I.L.D Team

Updated: Dec 29, 2022

Set yourself up for success with heart-healthy tips for making New Year’s resolutions

  • Start small: Set yourself up for success by gradually adding in a healthy habit. Look for opportunities to make a healthy swap during at least one meal each day for a week or try to walk for five minutes instead of scrolling through social media as a break between meetings or tasks.

  • Think lean when it comes to protein: Plant proteins like nuts and legumes, fish or seafood, low fat or non-fat dairy and lean cuts of meat are the best bet when picking protein. Research shows that replacing red and processed meat with other protein sources is associated with lower death rates from cardiovascular disease.

  • Keep moving: Balance food and calorie intake with physical activity to maintain a healthy weight. Take a walk after a meal or play fetch with your pet.

  • Reduce stress: Chronic stress can keep you from feeling your best, so incorporate scientifically proven stress relief activities each day like meditation, physical activity or spending time with your pet.

  • Make a plan: Take a few minutes each week to write out a list of meal ideas and grocery needs and you’ll be less likely to make impulse purchases. The American Heart Association’s Heart-Check mark has a list of certified heart-healthy foods if you need inspiration.

Learn more about living heart-healthy year-round at :

55 New Year’s Resolutions to Try for 2023 For more details, visit

1. Focus on a Passion, Not the Way You Look 2. Work out to feel good, not be thinner. 3. Stop gossiping. 4. Give one compliment a day. 5. Go a whole day without checking your email. 6. Do Random Acts of Kindness 7. Read a book a month. 8. Go someplace you've never been. 9. Clear out the clutter. 10. Turn off your phone one night a week. 11. Reduce your waste. 12. Volunteer. 13. Travel on a small budget. 14. Write down one thing you're grateful for every night. 15. Drink more water. 16. Take a part of your paychecks and put it in savings or investments. 17. Stop multitasking. 18. Talk to yourself with kindness. 19. Call a friend instead of texting them. 20. Don't buy things you don't need. 22. Clean out your car. 23. Put your bills on autopay. 24. Take the stairs. 25. Go to the dentist when you're supposed to. 26. Be kind on social media. 27. Let go of grudges. 28. Stay in touch with the people who matter. 29. Try a totally new restaurant. 30. Start a new hobby. 31. Travel somewhere without posting about it on social media. 32. Bring a plant into your home. 33. Sanitize your personal belongings. 34. Start cooking! 35. Buy less plastic. 36. Send handwritten letters. 37. Donate clothes you never wear. 38. Pay off your credit card every month. 39. Avoid people who complain a lot. 40. Remove negativity or anything that makes you feel lousy. 41. Travel somewhere with no map. 42. Wear sunscreen. 43. Cook more. 44. Get a Real Haircut 45. Do Something That Scares You 46. Make Your Bed Every Morning 47. Stay on Top of Your Inbox 48. Try Guided Meditation 49. Stretch It Out 50. Craft Something Yourself 51. Go to Bed Happy Each Night 52. Spot Clean as You Go 53. Pay it Forward 54. Talk Less, Listen More 55. Whatever Your Goals Are, Write Them Down



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