Here at 711 Materials, we are extremely proud of all of our women drivers and we are very thankful for the great job they all do!!

Women continue to drive change in the construction industry despite still being heavily outnumbered compared to their male counterparts. This change is both welcome and needed in this industry that in recent years has seen a driver shortage that needs to be filled. Our current group of women drivers is lead by Carmen W. out of our Modesto plant who started with us in 2019 driving a concrete mixer. Lucinda S. working in Ridgecrest, CA and Lenora P., in Bishop, CA , contribute by driving both mixers and aggregate trucks. Out of our Stockton plant, we have Jaime A, Starr S, Andrea R. and most recently Karina C. who all deliver concrete in mixer trucks daily. A Big THANK YOU to each of these ladies for the hard work and excellent service they do each and every day.