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711 Materials is Growing with Portable Plants

The B.U.I.L.D Team

Updated: Aug 1, 2023

711 Materials is growing with the implementation of a portable plants business driven by our customers needs. Placing the concrete plants close to the construction site is a more environmentally friendly option than driving ready mix trucks to these remote locations. This year we successfully installed two portable ready mix plants:

  1. Chowchilla Portable Plant

  2. Haiwee Portable Plant

Both plants have already started large production pours and by the time of each projects' completion, we will have taken thousands of drive time hours off of our California highways.

Congratulations to all involved in this important growth initiative for 711 Materials!

Chowchilla Portable Plant

We are proud to be supplying concrete to GVC LLC for the biggest project to come to the city of Chowchilla in decades. The $150 million AutoZone distribution center is expected to provide 300 jobs when it opens in 2024. The 560,000 square-foot facility will serve 300 AutoZone stores.

Haiwee Portable Plant

Our second portable batch plant is providing material for Road and Highway Builders, LLC for the North Haiwee Dam No.2 project in Olancha, Ca. This $135 million project will improve the seismic reliability of the reservoir and maintain the function of an essential water conveyance for the city of Los Angeles, as well as protect the local populations from possible hazardous flooding event. This project's location sits just between two of our permanent plants along Highway 395, making for a prefect location to utilize a portable facility.

These two portable plants took a great deal of effort and strategic implantation to get up and running for each of these large projects. Thank you to everyone at 711 Materials for contributing to our continued growth and success!



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